The software is the world's most comprehensive, superior performance, the most widely used large general structure finite element analysis software, is also the global CAE industry standard of the original code program, in international cooperation and international bidding, become the preferred engineering analysis and verification tool. The software can effectively solve the problems of strength, stiffness, buckling, mode, dynamics, thermodynamics, nonlinearity, (noise) acoustics, fluid-structure coupling, aeroelasticity, superelement, inertia release and structural optimization of various complex structures. The analysis of MSC.NASTRAN ensures that the components and the entire system work in the most reasonable environment and achieve the best performance.
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Meter Sales Inquiry(TEL):0591-83969820
Toll Free Technical Service: 400-887-6339

The main business of Fujian WIDE PLUS Precision Instrument Co., Ltd. involves the R&D and manufacturing of pressure, flow, temperature, liquid level, photoelectricity, water quality and other parameter sensors as well as instrumentation tubes and valves in the industrial field; the R&D and manufacturing of high-precision automation equipments; high-precision mechanical machining; and the products and overall solutions of the city's intelligent water affairs.
Fujian WIDE PLUS Precision Instrument Co., Ltd.
ADD:No.16, Xingye West Road, Mawei High-tech Zone,Fuzhou,Fujian China
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